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Monday Lectures
Monday, 3. June 2013

Bulk water anomalies and bubble nucleation at negative pressure

A talk by Chantal Valeriani, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Friday, 31. May 2013

A crash-course on lattice Boltzmann

A talk by Sauro Succi, IAC-CNR, Rome

Monday, 27. May 2013

Organic Semiconductors Explored With Ab-initio Electronic Structure Methods

A talk by Peter Puschnig, Institut für Physik, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Monday, 13. May 2013

Water anomalies at -100 MPa

A talk by Frédéric Caupin, Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon 1 et CNRS

Monday, 6. May 2013

Simple water - like models in one dimension

A talk by Prof. Dr. Enrique Lomba, Instituto de Química Física, IQFR - CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Monday, 22. April 2013

The ab initio energetics of water clusters, ice and the bulk liquid: DFT meets quantum Monte Carlo

A talk by Mike Gillan, London Centre for Nanotechnology & Thomas Young Centre, University College London

Monday, 8. April 2013

Quantum Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated and Highly Frustrated Spin-Lattice Systems: An Ab Initio Quantum Many-Body Theory Formulation

A talk by Raymond F. Bishop, School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester

Monday, 11. March 2013

Rehearsing a possible paradigm shift in electron correlation methods

A talk by Francesco Aquilante, Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies @UNILE, Italian Institute of Technology (IIT)

Monday, 25. February 2013

ViCoM Winter School: February 25th - March 1st 2013

Phase stability and phase transitions in soft and hard materials

Monday, 28. January 2013

Transport theories for single molecules: Fundamental aspects of density functional theories and GW-perspectives

A talk by Prof. (apl.) Dr. Ferdinand Evers, Institut für Nanotechnologie, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


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Lastupdate: 19.12.2017 - 11:35