DATE / TIME: Monday, October 10th 2016, 11:15 p.m.
LOCATION: Seminar Room DB gelb 09, Vienna University of Technology, "Freihaus"‐ building, 9th floor, "yellow" – Wiedner Hauptstraße 8‐10, Vienna
ABSTRACT: We show that a Fermi surface reconstruction due to spiral antiferromagnetic order may explain the rapid change in the Hall number as recently observed near optimal doping in cuprate superconductors [Badoux et al., Nature 531, 210 (2016)]. The single-particle spectral function in the spiral state exhibits hole pockets which look like Fermi arcs due to a strong momentum dependence of the spectral weight. Adding charge-density wave order further reduces the Fermi surface to a single electron pocket. We propose quantum oscillation measurements to distinguish between commensurate and spiral antiferromagnetic order. Similar results apply to certain metals in which topological order replaces antiferromagnetic order.