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P01 Coordination Project

The coordination project provides the administrative and organizational infrastructure. It is the anchor point for the entire SFB and manages the interaction between the individual projects. The SFB organizes an inspiring and eminent seminar program, with ample room for informal discussion and attractive internationally invited talks.

The SFB includes most groups in Austria working on the development of atomistic methods in general, and ab initio methods, in particular. The SFB hence presents a unique opportunity to coordinate the efforts between atomistic modelling groups, and we will attempt to bring in groups working in similar fields from throughout Austria. Our aim is to build a new spirit of cooperation in the field of atomistic modelling in Austria.


Kresse, Georg

Speaker of the SFB

University of Vienna

Computational Materials Physics

Resch, Anita

Project Coordination

Computational Materials Physics
Sensengasse 8/12
1090 Vienna
phone: 0043 (0)1 4277 51403



University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0
Lastupdate: 09.01.2018 - 08:21